1984 Country Feeling ClassicCredits: Jim HayesEncyclopedia of SurfingBillabong Pro (Jeffreys Bay)Carroll, TomHedemann, HansHo, MichaelHynd, DerekMoreHistory of SurfingAn Explosion of TalentSouth Africa in Black and WhiteSurfers vs ApartheidThe Unsinkable Tom CarrollInterviewsMark OcchilupoFeaturesJEFFREYS BAY, 1984: OCCHILUPO RUNS THE FIELDMARK OCCHILUPO: ZEUS OF BELLSSHAUN TOMSON ON JEFFREYS BAY: "THE CHOICES JUST OVERWHELM PEOPLE"VideosDerek HyndHans HedemannJeffreys Bay, 1970sJeffreys Bay, early 2000sMark Occhilupo, Bells BeachMoreContests1984 Country Feeling Classic